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Top garden trends for 2021 you should keep an eye on

Self isolation means we’ve spent more time at home the last 18 months than ever before meaning gardening in general has become more popular than ever!

Once you’ve got a green thumb, it’s hard to shake off! Now you’re fully invested in all things green and leafy, what trends should you be considering for your garden for 2021 and beyond?

Here’s 5 gardening trends for 2021 that are expected to grow in popularity

Balcony gardens

With many in Australia living in apartments or units with no private garden, the popularity of balcony gardens is set to soar. Balconies make a perfect space and climate for a garden, often getting just the right amount of sun and shade throughout the day.

Choose hardy plants and herbs that will tolerate the sun and consider pots and planters that you can rotate around your space so that they can all share the elements of sun, shade and breezes equally.

Tiny gardens

Regardless of how small your patch of grass, courtyard or space is you can utilise all areas to create a tiny slice of green thumbed paradise in your own backyard. Potted plants, slimline planter boxes and vertical gardens mean that regardless of how small your space is, there is always an option to plant flowers, fruits and veggies. Search #tinygarden on Instagram will provide you with plenty of inspiration.

Raised garden beds

If you don’t have any grass in your garden then a raised garden bed may be just what you need to get growing your greenery. Raised garden beds can be placed on concrete, in the corner of a dusty garden; or anywhere you have space. These days you can buy your own from a local Bunnings or get hold of some timber and make one that suits the size and space you require.

Indoor gardens

There is no need for your garden to stop outdoors! In 2021 and beyond we’ll see more plants being placed inside than ever before. Choose plants that work and thrive both indoors and outdoors to really bring the outdoors in.

Food gardens

Another task of daily living that we have seen increase over the last 18 months is cooking at home! With this plus the increased love for gardening, many have realised that you don’t need a large space to grow the foods we eat daily. With the ability to grow food in pots, planters and vertically you can easily grow foods that produce big yields in small areas such as herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers and more.

With all these garden trends for 2021, your green thumbs will be kept busy for the rest of the year!
