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Live rurally? How to prepare your home for bushfire season

Preparing your home on the lead up and during the warmer months is imperative in protecting your home as much as possible from bushfires.

If you live rurally or near bush land it is important to prepare accordingly, as taking action will help you avoid making last minute emergency decisions that could prove extremely dangerous during a bushfire.

Here are some simple ways you can prepare your home for bushfire season:

  1. Clear gutters of leaves and debris. Dead leaves and tree debris easily catch fire and can cause fire to quickly spread. By ensuring gutters drains and pipes are clear before bushfire season is a move that could prove imperative in protecting your home and surroundings. Cleaning gutters isn’t something you should do yourself, hire a professional to keep you and your home safe.
  2. Clear long or dry grass. If you have long grass it is time to cut it back on the lead up to the warmer months and dispose of the cuttings accordingly. Leaving piles of dead grass, like leaves, are a sure fire way for a fire to spread so ensure they are out of the way before bush fire season approaches.
  3. Avoid cluttering your outdoor spaces. Try to keep your front and back gardens as sparse as possible. Not only can excess furniture or toys cause a fire to spread but they can also get in the way if your home does come under attack from fire and firefighters have to assist during an emergency.

A home that is as prepared as possible will give you more protection against fire if you can’t leave.

Even if you have to leave your home, preparing it will help protect it and help firefighters defend it and minimise the risk to other homes surrounding yours.

Don’t delay! Prepare your home for bush fire today – a well prepared home stands the best chance of surviving a bushfire.


