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Wood Chipping and Mulching

Chipping branches for wood chips or mulch for compost and soil regenerating is a great method of recycling all tree waste. Usually professional chipping machines can handle foliage and branches up to 18” in diameter and produce a fine, forest mulch. A good company will offer to remove the woodchips or leave them for you to use yourself. Mulch is chipped directly into the back of a truck to be carted away and recycled into wood chip mulch, or placed where you want it on your property.
Mulch is used to assist in retaining moisture on garden beds and also for controlling weeds. A good layer of mulch can also help with keeping temperature moderated around trees and plants or garden beds, by preventing the topsoil from overheating and drying up, which can cause root damage to sensitive plant roots. Mulch also enriches the soil and assists in maintaining good drainage structure as it decomposes. Mulched gardens are healthier and can withstand drought conditions better than un-mulched gardens. Using good quality mulch on your gardens can save you a lot of time on other tasks like weeding and watering. Pest problems can also be reduced by using mulch.
Some mulch is not good for the garden, and a good arborist providing professional tree services can advise you about the suitability of your mulch. Some good reasons for not wanting to keep your tree mulch, include if your tree showed signs of diseases, died prematurely, had any pest problems or if your tree was a weed species.
For advice on tree suitability for mulching or for mulch supplies read more here.
