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What time of the year should I prune my trees?

No two trees are the same. When it comes to effective tree pruning, timing is everything!

First you need to ask why are you pruning your trees? Do you want to prune them for tree health, growth, maintenance or safety?

Pruning trees for growth

If you want to prune your tees to enable them to thrive then late winter or early spring is recommended. Pruning in winter allows it to flourish in spring. This will also mean you can spot any issues with your trees such as disease or pests before they start to thrive.

My tree is out of control!

If you want to prune your tree to actually halt its growth (if it’s growing too fast) then you will want to prune in summer. As your tree will likely be thriving during the summer months you want to only prune back dead, damaged or diseased branches – steer clear of over pruning as your tree needs its foliage to protect from sunburn.

Prune damaged trees as soon as possible

Regardless of the time of year if you notice any damage, decay or pests in your trees ten they should be pruned as son as possible so that it can get back on track to being healthy. Damaged trees are more susceptible to disease which will be harder to treat the longer it’s left.

I need to prune my trees for safety

Storm season can wreak havoc for trees. Ideally you want to prune your trees before storm season to minimize the risk of damage to the tree and it’s surroundings such as your home in the threat of a storm but if you didn’t get chance then no time is a bad time to ensure your trees safety.

Pruning hazardous trees is a job for the professionals! Most people do not have the equipment to prune large trees safely.

If you suspect that your trees aren’t structurally sound, or just don’t know where to start when it comes to helping your foliage flourish, contact the team at Australian Tree Professionals to ensure your pruning is done effectively!
