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Why you shouldn’t leave tree stumps on your property

If you have old tree stumps in your garden you likely think it’s doing no harm and have just left it, especially if it isn’t in the way.

However this isn’t the case! Tree stumps should be removed from your property ASAP, as seemingly harmless tree stumps can prove extremely problematic!

Reasons why tree stumps need to be removed

1.     They can get diseases. Even if the tree stump is dead they are susceptible to fungal diseases which can put other living plants and wood in your garden at risk as it spreads underground to other roots.

2.     Stumps can re-sprout. Yes – your stump could slowly grow back! Stumps can re-sprout from multiple places including the roots, which can result in small trees growing. These roots can also crack underground pipes and foundations that you might not be able to spot until it’s too late.

3.     They are a hazard. Stumps can be a hazard for anyone who spends time in the garden, especially children who might trip over them. They can damage your lawn mower if you accidentally hit them and can be a general pain to landscape around.

4.     They attract creepy crawlies. Stumps attract insects such as termites and other wood boring creatures. You may not be concerned whilst they’re in your garden but it will be a concern if they make your way into your home!

5.     They’re not pretty. Tree stumps attract weeds and other plants, which can ruin your lovely landscaped lawn! Stumps make your garden look shabby and you’ll be amazed how much tidier your lawn looks by removing them.

If you have a tree stump or two on your property and want to remove it, don’t try this yourself! Tree stumps are large, heavy and should be removed by a licensed tree removal specialist such as Australian Tree Services who will fully remove your stump safely and professionally.
