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How to build a S’mores worthy fire-pit for your outdoor space this winter.

An outdoor fire pit will see you hosting flamin’ hot gatherings and toasting marshmallows with the kids all throughout winter!

Nothing screams winter like a fire pit.  With kids these days spending so much time indoors, a fire-pit is the perfect way to entice them outside and make some memories!
You’ll be happy to know that it’s not too hard to build a professional looking fire pit yourself. With some planning, teamwork and elbow grease, you can create your backyard campground to enjoy all year round!
What you’ll need to build a fire pit like a pro:

  • Gravel
  • Shovel
  • Concrete blocks

1. Choose the location
Fire-pits make a decorative addition to an outdoor space but it is important to consider their position. Before you start building your pit, choose a suitable location – away from buildings, plants and overhanging branches. Consider which direction the smoke will blow in the wind.
2. Dig the base for your fire
Dig a circular shaped base for the fire, approximately 3 feet should be ample space for the fire whilst providing a cosy atmosphere when everyone is sat around it.
3. Prepare the base
Level out road base, compact and level it off by spreading sand throughout the trench. Sprinkle neat cement over the sand as this will help keep the structure sound.
4. Build the pit
Using concrete blocks, construct the wall for the fire pit. By choosing blocks that already have circular walls you will avoid having to cut them and be able to form a neat circular shape. Stack 2-3 blocks on top of each other to create the depth of your liking.
5. Light the fire
Add the wood and start the fire! By stacking wood in a tepee formation with surrounding kindling your fire should keep burning all night long!
