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Can I remove a tree from my nature strip?

Everything in and around your belongs to you and is yours to do with what you like, right? Wrong!

Nature strips are aesthetically pleasing, add a touch of greenery and help with storm water drainage. Pretty much every home has one and is responsible for one. However even though you may consider the nature strip part of your home, it is not legally part of your property.

The nature strip out of the front of your home is council owned and controlled.

It is an expectation that resident’s mow and edge the grass on their nature strip beside and in front of their property and no permit is required to do this general maintenance.

However, on these strips if you wish to plant, remove or damage vegetation, such as a tree, a permit will be required.

Nature strip laws Queensland

To get permission to remove a tree you will have to ask your local council. They will conduct a tree inspection.

The council may grant the permit to plant or remove a shrub or tree from a small nature strip if this vegetation is classified as low value during the building process (such as a driveway or fencing).

Fees do apply for the inspection and removal of trees from a nature strip, which your local council will discuss with you at the time of you lodging the application.

It is preferred by council that council staff or contractors conduct any tree removal to ensure there are no hazards to the public and drivers whilst the works are being performed.

Whatever you do, don’t remove or plant anything on your nature strip without prior approval; heavy fines may apply for not complying with council and nature strip laws!
