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5 signs you may have termites on your property

With around 20 different species and the ability to chew through solid wood in and around your home; termites are one of the most destructive pests in Australia!

Knowing the warning signs of a termite infestation in your home is imperative to being able to act fast to stop them in their tracks before they do irreversible damage to your home!

5 signs of termites to look out for

Mud tubes
Termite mud workings look like miniature tubes and are used by termites for protection to travel and infiltrate your home once they are above ground. These mud tubes are one of the most common warning signs. If you spot them around your home, it’s time to call pest control!

Floor or ceiling damage
Blisters, cracks or sags on laminated floors, skirting boards or ceiling beams can signal termites. Although they do mostly eat wood, these greedy little insects will snack on anything they come across! By eating their way through these parts of your home they can wreak havoc on the structural integrity of your walls and floors.

Cracked paint on walls
Termite damage can resemble water damage. If you spot the wall bubbling your walls’ structural integrity may be affected as a result of termites eating away at the internal timber.

Swarms of insects outdoors
Unfortunately yes, termites can fly! If you spot swarms of these white pests during swing and summer your home may be under attack or at the very least, a termite colony may be present around your home.

Clicking sounds in walls
When termites start tunnelling they can be extremely loud, so much so that you can hear them when you put your ear up to the wall. If you suspect termites, knock on the wood to prompt termite activity and see if you can hear them. If you hear anything at all lurking behind your walls, it signals some unwanted activity.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to prevent termites attacking your home:

●      Remove all wood, plants, mulch and cardboard from anywhere near to the foundations of your home,

●      Termites like moisture! Avoid sprinklers soaking your home or the foundations near it. Keeping these areas as dry as possible will deter them,

●      Keep all trees and shrubbery that surround your home trimmed and at least 12 inches away from your walls. Not only does this create air flow to keep damp at bay, it allows you to spot any signs of termites such as mud tubes, much sooner!

Often, by the time you have noticed any of these signs it’s too late to prevent termites and you’ll need to engage a pest control team to manage and eradicate the termites, promptly, before they cause any further destruction!
