24/7 Emergency Storm Damage Available

Is your property storm ready?

Before we know it, storm season will be upon us. From November – March Queensland sees a surge of unpredictable weather, not limited to unpredictable and unruly storms. Is your property storm ready?

It’s not always easy to predict when a storm will strike so it’s important to ensure your home is ready to minimise damage from heavy winds and rainfall.

Completing this list of property storm-ready tasks before the season hits to minimise any damage.

General home maintenance

  • Check your roof for loose or broken tiles and organise any repairs if necessary,
  • Ensure your gutters and downpipes are clear of leaves and debris so that water can drain away from your roof as quickly as possible,
  • Trim trees and overhanging branches which can cause damage to your home and surroundings,
  • Check trees for any signs of disease which could affect their integrity, which may mean they struggle to withstand the strong winds,
  • Secure loose items such as garden furniture that could be blown around.

General home preparations

  • Locate the mains supply for water, power, and gas and ensure you know how to turn it off,
  • Have emergency essentials on hand such as drinking water, sand for sandbagging (if living in a flood-prone area)
  • Identify the strongest rooms in the house in case you need to shelter. This will usually be a small room with no windows,
  • Ensure all windows and doors are watertight, conduct any repairs on the lead up to storm season,
  • Ensure your home and car insurances are up to date.

If in any doubt that your home is not adequately storm-ready, contact the relevant professionals and tradespeople who can conduct a check of your home, roof, and landscape to ensure it’s ready to brace the elements.

Australian Tree Services storm ready service can check, prune and remove any trees or branches, which could cause a liability to your home in the event of a storm, as well as assisting in the clean up of any fallen trees or branches in the aftermath.
