Safety Policy
It is the policy of ATS that we will conduct our activities and provide a work environment which:
- Protects the health, safety and welfare of all staff and the public who are affected by our workplace activities;
- Minimises the risk of injury to staff and the public through the implementation of safe working procedures;
- Maintains effective systems which meet the needs of our clients’ contractual requirements; and
Strives for continuous improvement in health and safety performance.
To achieve a healthy and safe working environment the commitment and co-operation of all staff and visitors is essential.
Safety Policy
It is the policy of ATS that we will conduct our activities and provide a work environment which:
- Protects the health, safety and welfare of all staff and the public who are affected by our workplace activities;
- Minimises the risk of injury to staff and the public through the implementation of safe working procedures;
- Maintains effective systems which meet the needs of our clients’ contractual requirements; and
Strives for continuous improvement in health and safety performance.
To achieve a healthy and safe working environment the commitment and co-operation of all staff and visitors is essential.
To support this policy, we will :
- Comply with or exceed the spirit and intent of the relevant legislative requirements and make adequate resources available to meet those requirements;
- Involve staff in workplace health and safety matters through the process of consultation;
- Utilise a risk management approach and, in conjunction with staff, determine the risks associated with identified workplace hazards and implement appropriate controls over those risks which are judged to be unacceptable;
- Promote workplace health and safety in the development and implementation of standard (safe) work practices;
- Provide information, education, training and instruction to enable staff members to perform their duties effectively and safely;
Require visitors to our sites to comply with statutory requirements in relation to workplace health and safety.
Under NO circumstances will work tasks be performed if workplace health and safety standards and approved work safety practices are to be compromised. ATS meets the compliance regulations of the tree services industry at all times.
- Public Liability cover ($20 million)
Professional Indemnity ($5 million)
Current Work cover
Insurance for all vehicles and equipment